比得兔跨界合作潮玩IP比尔;哈德尔最抢戏比尔;默瑞比尔;斯卡斯加德、托尼;海尔、本尼迪特;王等演员也加盟了该片莎士比亚的恋爱悲剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》自1595年问世以来已被搬上银幕12次,此中,1968年由弗兰克·杰弗瑞里导演的版本,自问世以来就一向被视为典型之作。 在十五世纪意年夜利的维罗纳城住有二门风看很高而彼此锋利对峙的看族。他们之间不竭的产生血腥的争执。蒙达犹家族的罗密欧(莱昂纳德·怀廷 Leonard Whiting 饰)与卡普雷特家族的朱丽叶(奥丽维娅·赫西 Olivia Hussey 饰)。却一见钟情,擅自成婚。朱丽叶的表兄搬弄罗密欧而被误杀,罗密欧是以被放逐到城外。为了遁藏家人逼婚,朱丽叶在神甫的帮忙下假死,当罗密欧知道后,赶了回来看到泉台中熟睡的朱丽叶,失望之余喝下毒药自杀,当醒来的朱丽叶看到爱人身后也失望的用短剑刺进了自已的胸部殉情而死。
7170That day is seared into the memory of every human being on the planet: the day the world changed. First came the attack on the Philippines. Within days they spread, as though appearing out of nowhere, striking out at more islands, forging a foothold in the South Pacific. Then came the first attack on U.S. soil - Los Angeles - and the reality became clear: our world was at war once again, but this time with an enemy from beyond our galaxy. Now, months later, the fate of the world hangs in the balance as a mission to strike at a key enemy installation deep in enemy territory goes terribly wrong, and the Marines of the 15th Expeditionary Unit are scattered across the island of New Britain, leaderless, and facing impossible odds. Pacific Theater is the story of those Marines: fresh recruits who journey from their homes across the Pacific to the front lines. It is the story of John Blake, a charming Californian surfer who must find the strength to bee a leader, Tracey Gleeson, a physics...
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